About Us
St John The Evangelist United Church reflects the beliefs and traditions of the Anglican, Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian denominations, shared in a warm and welcoming church.
We strive to be an inclusive church that creates a sense of belonging, family and community, welcoming everyone irrespective of church tradition and faith perspective.
We believe and trust in God the Father who created the universe.
We believe and trust in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who has redeemed the world.
We beleive and trust in the Holy Spirit who gives life to the people of God.
We believe and trust in one God; Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.
If you would like to purchase a copy of A History of St John's United Church, please contact the Church office.
Rev Prof Maake Masango
Rev Maake is a retired minister in the Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa. After the sudden passing of Rev Pat, Rev Maake stepped up and offered his services until such time as we find another minister. Rev Prof Maake Masango shares his time as a lecturer in Theology at the University of Pretoria and with the pastoral and administrative care of St John's United Church.

Our History
St John’s began its life when a Sunday School was started in Parkmore in late 1963. This was later extended to include worship services, which were held in a garage. In November 1970, a meeting was held where it was decided that “there should be only one church for use by all denominations”.
St John’s pioneered the cooperation between the churches, with the denominations committing themselves to a “Search for Unity” in late 1974 and St John’s became an ecumenical church with each member church holding separate services.
In 1998, St John’s became a United Church, using a united liturgy which reflected the liturgical traditions of the Anglican, Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian churches.
St John’s is a member of the Church Unity Commission (CUC).
Past Ministers

2022 - 2023 Rev Dr Pat M Baxter (Presbyterian)
2005 - 2022 Rev Peter M Witbooi (Methodist)
2010 – 2015 Rev Roxane Jordaan (Congregational)
2009 - 2013 Rev Sikawu Makubalo (Methodist)
2000 - 2004 Rev Michael Openshaw (Methodist)
1994 – 1999 Rev Peter Beart (Anglican)
1995 – 1996 Rev William Englebrecht (Presbyterian)
1994 – 1999 Rev John Westwood (Anglican)
1991 – 1993 Rev Nigel Uden (Congregational)
1989 – 1993 Rev Ian van der Lingen (Presbyterian)
1986 – 1990 Rev Roy Harris (Anglican)
1985 – 1988 Rev Alistair Rodger (Presbyterian)
1983 – 1984 Rev Michael Waite (Presbyterian)
1981 – 1994 Rev Stanley Pitts (Methodist)
1980 – 1986 Rev Ian MacIntosh (Anglican)
1978 – 1980 Rev Reg James (Anglican)
1977 – 1982 Rev Jack Dalziel (Presbyterian)
1976 – 1980 Rev Roy Baker (Methodist)
1975 – 1976 Rev Des Clynick (Presbyterian)
1973 – 1974 Rev Lee van Rensburg (Methodist)
1973 – 1974 Rev David Mather (Presbyterian)
1971 – 1975 Rev Syd Freeland (Methodist)
1970 – 1979 Rev Hugh Harker (Anglican)